Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

We didn't get the day off (it's a US holiday today), but they did give us a BBQ on our dinner break. I suppose it's the next best thing, right? It really is beautiful out here in this part of New Jersey. I hope some of my NY friends are able to come out and see the show. It's a pretty easy commute.

Tomorrow is our second 1o out of 12 (1o out of 12 hours) day. We will probably get a run of the show in by the evening. We BETTER, because our first audience is on Thursday. Gideeyup!


  1. Juhu Kevin,

    you´re so fast with the blogging and I was so busy the last few days that today I had to write comments for the last three blogs.....*sweat* ;)
    But don´t worry, I take a look almost every day at your blog and love to read the news but sometimes it will take a while with my comment.
    So, keep on blogging........ *g*

    A BBQ is nice and better than nothing!
    In Germany Labor Day is on May 1st, it´s also my sisters birthday. She can always "reinfeiern" into her birthday. ;)

    I keep my fingers crossed that your friends and family can come and see the show!

    Good luck with your 10 out of 12 and the last arrangements and I´m so curios to read about the premiere!

    Toi, toi, toi!

  2. Hey Kevin!
    BBQ sounds nice! Wish you all the best and good luck for Thursday!

  3. First Audience on Thursday?!
    Good luck,Kevin!
    I'm sure,it'll be successful.


  4. Hi Kevin,
    my situation is similar to Kirsten's, I enjoy your blog so much, but I'm very busy with my exams. I wish you all the best for the last rehearsals and good luck for Thursday, I'm shure it will be great.
    Thank you for your impressions!!!
    Kind regards to all of you,

    Good luck for the show tonight!!!
    I´ll keep my fingers crossed that everything goes well!

    A big hug from Hamburg,

  6. Ich hab Dienstag ganz ganz gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanz feste an euch gedacht!!!!
    Wie ist es denn gelaufen???
    Ich hoffe, es hat alles geklappt und ihr habt das Publikum verzaubert - aber davon gehe ich aus!!!
    Im Moment fehlt mir leider die Zeit auf englisch zu schreiben - sorry! ;)
    Ich wünsche euch jetzt eine tolle Zeit und Abend für Abend viel Spaß und Erfolg - und ein mindestens genauso tolles Publikum, so wie wir es wären! ;)

    Wer übersetzt für mich?! ;P
    Ich kanns am Wochenenden auch in Ruhe von zu Hause machen! :P

  7. Thanks everyone for your thoughts! I can understand them, even in German....with the help of an online translator sometimes :)

    I will post about our first audience!

    ich brauche ruhe, um!

  8. Hey Kevin! Wow, you are quick... I was too busy the last 2 weeks (I started a new job) that I did not make it to the blog (actually I can´t see any PCs anymore being in a travel agency)

    I hope you had a great premiere and the audience celebrated you and your colleagues as you deserve it ;) Has your friends and family made to the show?

    Many greetings from Hamburg,


  9. Hey Kevin!
    So, how I can read in your entrys und the entrys of your members, it is a very much stressfull time at the moment for everyone! No time for leisure time, personal interests and PC! And no time for finding the right english words! ;P
    But it can also bring many positive things about such times. New tasks, new challenges.
    Recently, I have heard the statement, that you should have and practise several professions or at least unite a very varied job. If it is too monotonous, the routine comes too fast and this doesn't fulfill you any more with fun and conviction.
    Your job is probably more than varied! But it is the most important that you are happy with that and take yourself well!
    You have so little time at the moment and we pester you with so many questions. ;)
    I want to know too, how the premiere was? How it was for you as team? How many shows you must play in the week? Whether your family there was?
    But I already understand that definitely the initial phase is surely very much stressfull and time intensive now. So take the time which you need. We wait and we are quite tense what you have to report!
    A great sunday for you. You certainly must play two shows today, or?
    Greetings, Julia
