Thursday, September 24, 2009


It seemed to have taken a real-time journey out west, but we finally got this puppy open! There was much celebration in the small town of Milburn. They shut down Main Street, set up bails of hay, and the party spilled out onto the street.

As always, the opening night crowd was fantastic. It is full of friends and family, and of course a critic here and there. You can really feel that almost everyone really wants the show to be good and everyone to do well. Luckily, since many of us (myself included) have lived with this show for over a year now it wasn't as crazy as our first opening in Minneapolis. Though we probably had just as many changes, there was something comforting about knowing who our characters were and having lived in those lives for a little while before. I had a lot of fun, though I was DOG tired.

Two dear friends of mine got to come and celebrate at the party afterwards. Although, it is hard to hangout with friends and family because there are so many important people that want to give congrats or take a picture or even introduce themselves for the first time. If you remember back to the first rehearsal description when I wrote about the 100s of people in the room that were a part of this show....well, they all came to that after party and wanted to say hello :) But "networking" included, it was a very nice party.


  1. Dear Kevin,
    I am glad to hear the show so well was taken up and you could celebrate afterwards so nicely. I keep the fingers crossed which becomes the show a success.
    Greetings Jessica

  2. Thanks Jessica! We're having a good time, so that is success right....right? :)

  3. Quite right so! Happy actors and a happy audience - this constitutes a magnificent, unforgettable show. And this has completely earned the name "success" certainly! And a good party, too!!!! ;)
    I was a week on vacation (this was a good time, too) and therefore without Internet, too (this was the most time a good time ;)). It is making me very very joyfully and touchedly now, to read that everything has turned so well and the start was a complete success! I am pleased that you were accompanied by good friends and therefore a strong support! :)
    If I see the pictures, it get a bit heavy around my little heart! I am pleased for you enormously also for all this one which get to see this show. But it makes me a little bit sad also, that we probably don't come here in Germany in the pleasure to see it. But we still hope quite strongly for the Cd. We can therefore also at least experience a little prairie! :)

    And then I must quite ask one more question. I am, what technology and computers concerns, not quite so talented. Some members have tried to explain me the phenomenon of MAC. But I am a little dense. ;P What does this mean? Does this bring any changes about regarding your homepage and the Blog? Or does it concern merely your PC? I am a computer-idiot. ;)

    Greetings and have a nice weekend, Julia

  4. Hey Kevin!
    It's great to hear that all went so good and that there was a big celebration! The pictures look really nice. You look very happy on the pictures. Looks like a great, successful premiere with a lot of fun!

  5. Congratulation! :)
    I am so glad that you had and I think still have a great time- after weeks of hard work it is always a great feeling to enjoy the success and you know that every hour of this hard work was worth it. Enjoy very minute!

    All the best,


  6. Thanks all!

    J: Changing from a Personal Computer (PC) or a Windows based computer to a Macintosh computer means some programs are not compatible. So, the program I used to create my webpage only works on my PC...and it's hard to boot up my old PC just to change the webpage. It doesn't affect the blog because the blog is only internet based. I can change it from any computer. Maybe that was TMI (Too Much Information?) :)

  7. No, that was no TMI!! I still can follow! ;)
    So it only means lots of work and changing for you. There is nothing new for us at which we must have a good look! This I find good! :)
    I wish you much success with the rearrangement. Have a lot of fun with it. You also have so much time at the moment! ;)

    And thank you for the explanation again!
    Nice weekend for you and your colleagues,

  8. Glad to read, that everything went good with the first your hard work is reflecting - the joy, the audience has with the prairie! (I´m not sure, if the words are right, I hope you know what i mean...;-) )
    I´ll keep my fingers crossed, that all shows are a success like the first one...and I wish you and your colleagues the required strength and fun at your hard work!!

    So have a nice and successful week! It´s always nice to hear news from you, even if I don´t write a comment everytime....(ok Julschi??!! ;-) )

    Hugs Sonja

  9. Hej Kevin,

    it´s so nice to read that everything went well and I like the pictures you put up. So many good looking people on a photo!!! You´re all smiling from one ear to the other. Unfortunately, only the first photo will get bigger when you click on it but not the others. Is there a trick? ;)

    After we lost you at Tarzan, we now lost Ana and Andreas. It was their last show on Sunday and it must have been very sad. ;( I was lucky to see Andreas on Thursday the last time! Hopefully, Ana and Andreas will have as much fun in their new projects as you have with "Prairie"!
    Apropos, we still haven´t earned the money to come over or won the lottery, so please tell us when there will be a CD or your comming on tour to Europe..... :P

    I wish you all the best for the next shows!
    Take care, Kirsten*

  10. Yes, it would be really wonderful if we could see still more pictures of you on the stage. Perhaps also a little bigger. The outfits look fantastic. Primarily the clothes of the women and girls! Lovely clothes and expressive colors! :)
    I wish you a beautiful weekend of full beautiful shows!
    And quite much fun at Monday evening! Will this be a concert with you and the other singers? It sounds very promising!
    I hope you still have, despite the lot of stress, enough air for the breathing! ;)
    Kind greeting, Julia

  11. Hey Kev!
    How was your nite? I hope it was SMOKIN` hot!!! ;)
    We haven´t read from you in a looooong time, I bet this is because you´re so busy doing what we love you to do. Singing, playing, dancing.....
    Keep on and have fun!

    Many greetings from Hamburg,
